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Electronic Journal Publishers

Large Publishers (>200 journals)

Jump directly to publisher: Academic Ideal · Blackwell Synergy · Elsevier ScienceDirect · Kluwer Online · Springer LINK · Wiley Interscience

Academic Ideal
Parent company Academic Press
a division of Harcourt.
Number of e-journals ~330
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage Most 1993-present
Advance papers? Some journals
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- journal category, title words, author last name, affiliation, abstract keywords, date. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as for all journals.
Table of contents notification? Yes
Other personalized services? No -- Some in planning.
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Includes Churchill Livingstone, W. B. Saunders, Ballière Tindall and Mosby.
Blackwell Synergy
Parent company Blackwell Science
Number of e-journals ~260
Full-text format(s) PDF; some also HTML
Chronological coverage Most 1998-present
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) No
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- title, keyword, author, year, volume, issue. Open to non-subscribers.
Table of contents notification? Yes -- requires registration
Other personalized services? Yes -- Can save articles, searches.
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? Yes
Other info Includes Munksgaard.
Elsevier ScienceDirect
Parent company Elsevier
a division of Reed-Elsevier.
Number of e-journals ~1,100
Full-text format(s) PDF; some also HTML
Chronological coverage Most 1995-present; expanding backward.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- keywords, abstract, title, full text, authors, references, subject category, date, volume, issue, page. Open to non-subscribers with registration.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- same as former.
Table of contents notification? Yes -- Requires registration; save a search for a specific journal.
Other personalized services? Yes -- Saved searches, personal journal list.
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Includes AICHe, CRC Press, others. Links to Elsevier databases. Some have "SummaryPlus" extended abstracts.
Kluwer Online
Parent company Kluwer Academic Publishers
a division of Wolters-Kluwer.
Number of e-journals ~600 (not all have full text yet)
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage Generally 1998-present.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Bibliographic info, abstract. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Includes Plenum Press, Human Sciences Press; Baltzer Science and Russian translation journals from Consultants Bureau and Interperiodica are coming.
Springer LINK
Parent company Springer Science Publishers
a division of BertelsmannSpringer.
Number of e-journals ~540 (not all have full text yet)
Full-text format(s) PDF; some also have HTML or Gzipped PostScript
Chronological coverage Varies; some as early as 1995-present.
Advance papers? Some
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Easy: Bibliographic info, abstract. Expert: Author, title, abstract, journal name or full text. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes; see former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Includes Birkhäuser.
Wiley InterScience
Parent company John Wiley & Sons
Number of e-journals ~430 (not all have full text yet)
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage Generally 1997-present.
Advance papers? Some
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Title, keywords, abstract, authors, affiliation, funding agency, "all fields"; limit by category or date or to "hot journals". Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Must use general search, search for journal name in "all fields"
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? Yes -- Personal journals list, articles list, saved searches
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Includes Wiley-VCH.