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A Web Database to Manage and Organize ANSI Standards
John C. Matylonek
Engineering Librarian
Valley Libraries
Oregon State University
Maren Peasley
Oregon State University

A custom designed web database to process American National
Institute Standards extends the functionality of the online catalog by
providing an online searchable index of specific ANSI standards. The
database is accessible through the online catalog via the ANSI cataloging
record. Other services associated with the database provide user education
and retrieval options for those standards not owned by the library.
Information to download and implement the database is provided.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) collections of standards are
difficult to organize and manage in technical libraries. Many catalog
departments will not treat them as monographs. Often they are represented
as serial records that are not as helpful because information about
individual standards is not available (
Taylor 1999).
Reference departments often try to represent the collection without the
use of the online catalog. Often, a user or librarian must use a
constantly updated printed list, or specially marked generic
subject/numeric indexes to determine availability in the local collection.
Sometimes, one does not know if a standard is available till the shelves
are physically checked. The use of a custom designed web database can help
in the management and identification of locally owned ANSI standards.
Online catalog records can link to the database (figure 1) thus enhancing
access to the standards collection. If your library does not catalog
standards as monographs, then a web accessible database of locally owned
ANSI standards may assist in their identification and retrieval. By
linking the database to the local collection through an online catalog
record access to the standards can be enhanced.

Creation of the Web-Accessible Standards Database
Valley Library at Oregon State University maintains a collection of ANSI
standards that is in need of constant attention. Standards are often
revised or superseded by newer standards. Some are canceled and become
inactive. The princeton box sets in which they are stored are often in
danger of overflowing and making designation ranges inaccurate. The
engineering librarian decided that the culling of "archival" standards
from active ones and the processing of new ones into the collection could
be assisted by a database inventory of all the standards. In the process
of inventory, new boxes would be added, designation ranges made accurate,
and old superseded and canceled standards placed in a separate off-campus
storage collection. Furthermore, a web-accessible database of current
standards would greatly improve access by providing access through the
online catalog.
Current web technology provides many alternate approaches for the creation
of web accessible databases. ColdFusion is a web interactive form mark-up
language licensed by Allaire Corporation. It was chosen as the medium to
create the web interfaces for the database. The popularity of the language
and its central support by the university web service was the main
criterion in using this platform. ColdFusion, used in conjunction with the
SQL database server, provides an almost ideal platform for the creation of
the database. A student programmer was retained to do the coding. The
programmer worked with the engineering librarian, who provided overall
specifications. Student library workers provided specific requests for
design features that mirrored the actual work procedures in the record
input stage of the project. The result is a database created specifically
for the processing of ANSI standards in technical libraries.
Organization of the Database
There are three levels of access into the database: 1) a user search page
2) a worker entry page, and 3) an administrator's page. Library users and
front-line reference librarians use the search page comprised of eight
keyword searchable fields. The worker entry level of the web database is
organized to reflect the processing of standard records by teams of staff
into virtual princeton box sets. The administrator's level (Figure 2) has
global change and user rights/access functionality.

Search and Retrieval of Standards
The user search page (Figure 3) can be accessed through several web links
including the online catalog record, a link under notable collections on
the library web site, and the engineering subject resource guide. Eight
simple fields provide multiple points of access: designation, title,
status, date of designation, approved by, revision history, location, and
description. The most typical information given as clue to a standard's
existence is an imprecise title, phrase or a part of a designation number.
The database accepts partial input of text strings into each field and
returns all records containing the string. Although this not as powerful
as keyword searching between fields, it is usually sufficiently powerful
to identify most items. For instance, inputting the term "gear" into the
database retrieves a browsable list of 26 items. A button next to each
item generates the full record. The designation, status, and location
provide all the necessary information to retrieve the print copy from the

Storage of ANSI Standards
The ANSI collection at Valley Library is organized into princeton boxes.
There are two sets of collections of ANSI standards -- the current or
active standards in force from ANSI and the superseded, canceled or
withdrawn standards. These latter standards are housed in the "ANSI
Archive Collection" in an off campus storage facility. The active
standards are shelved under TA368 .A48 in the reference collection near
the main service desks of the library. This arrangement assumes old
standards are often of use to attorneys, patent agents, engineers and
other professionals in retrospective analysis. Their lower usage does not
justify on campus library shelving.
Processing Standards into the Database
Like many university libraries, much of the shelving and processing work
is done by students and classified staff. This project involved extensive
retrospective input of acquired standards. The database was designed to
allow teams of students to pick up where others had left off and to revise
box designations (Figure 4) as space was required. As new workers are
assigned, the librarian supervisor of the database provides user name and
passwords via the administrator page.

The record entry interface design (Figure 5) mirrors the work procedures
of the staff that perform the record input and the physical boxes in which
the standards are shelved. This makes it easy for one worker to pick up
where the previous has left off. This arrangement allows several
independent workers to coordinate work without much supervision or
communication, minimizing mistakes that cause gaps or duplicates in the
database. The supervisor gauges and controls the quality of the work via
global and single purge, delete or refresh features.

Providing Enhanced Services Surrounding Standards
The database is the core tool that users and librarians use to identify
and retrieve locally housed ANSI standards. Despite the better access to
ANSI standards, many librarians and users are not familiar with range of
options of acquiring standards. A web page (Figure 6) was created to
provide some education surrounding industry standards. The web page has a
link to the local database with a brief explanation of what standards are,
tips on how to interpret requests, links to commercial standards databases
and a form to request standards that the library does not own. With this
last piece, all subject specialists, not just the engineering specialist
can help patrons locate ANSI standards.

Future Possibilities
Web accessible databases make it extremely convenient for the sharing of
standards holdings information between cooperating libraries. With some
slight modifications and joint upkeep agreements, a union database of
standards held by regional libraries could be created. This scheme would
have each library input their specific standards, rather than just
collection set information as found in national union catalogs.
Trying it Out
The standards services web page at {http://osulibrary.orst.edu/ansi/} provides a convenient access point to the publicly accessible parts of the system. For questions about the database you may contact
john.matylonek@orst.edu for further information.
Resources Needed to Implement
In order to start the database at your library you will need to have access to a web server configured for ColdFusion, a code that creates web interfaces for databases. Your web master/system administrator will best know how to do this. Actual implementation specifically requires the ANSI ColdFusion code, a database to which cold fusion can talk, and your web master/system administrator's help in configuring the database. Although editing the code for enhancements and modifications is possible (the code has been generously commented) we cannot provide specific technical support for either loading or modifying the code. However, bugs in the software are encouraged to be reported to Maren Peasley at
peasley@engr.orst.edu. The code can be downloaded from: {http://osulibrary.orst.edu/ansi/}
Taylor, D. 1999. Standards collection
development in an academic library.
Collection Building
18(4): 148-152.
ColdFusion product information. [Online] Available: {http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/}
[May 7, 2001]