Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
| Fall 1997
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Searching Science from the Office: Science and Engineering Workshops
Janet Martorana
Rosemary L. Meszaros
Davidson Library
University of California, Santa Barbara
Like most other academic libraries, UCSB has
established a Fall tradition of presenting orientations to library
resources and services to new graduate students and faculty. The sciences
and engineering librarians decided this year to focus on the electronic
products and services that we can offer centering on remote access
services. The library has increased the number of online databases and
services accessible via the world wide web. Thousands of our undergraduate
students have participated in hands-on orientations to library resources
such as the databases on MELVYL ®, the University of California's online
system. We perceived a need to direct the attention of our graduate
students, especially the new graduate students, and faculty to what the
library offers them through electronic means. In addition to online
databases, book or journal recommendations, interlibrary loan requests,
and direct inter-campus borrowing requests may be accessed through the
forms available on InfoSurf.
However, since their introduction, the usage of these web-based forms has
been relatively light compared to the in-person requests. In addition, we
were eager to demonstrate enhancements such as the full text electronic
journals, search capabilities of BIOSIS, and the images available on
INSPEC through an IEEE/UC innovative project.
In several planning conferences, the sciences and engineering librarians outlined the
approach to attract as many participants as possible. We formulated our strategy.
Reduced to the essentials, they are: Planning, Preparation and Publicity, Presentation and
Post-workshop Evaluation.

- Schedule classroom
- Schedule instructors
- Form task forces
The sciences and engineering librarians met initially in the Spring quarter of 1997 to
discuss a plan to develop, advertise and present a series of workshops in the Fall of
1997. We really planned ahead! We decided to present two workshops: one for the
physical scientists and engineers and one for the environmental and life sciences,
covering similar content: newly acquired databases, enhanced system features,
discipline-specific web pages and online library services. There was so much material
to be presented that we decided to divide each workshop into two parts. We also
thought it might be a good idea to offer an evening session since an incoming graduate
student's life seems to be so hectic the first few weeks. Scheduling our large computer
classroom can be a challenge -- not to mention the formidable task of scheduling six
librarians. For efficiency, we formed two task forces: one for publicity and the other
for coordinating the preparation and/or updating of guides to library resources.
- Identify department contacts
- Develop flyer
- Prepare e-mail announcements
- Determine campus and departmental deadlines to meet for sending announcements
We expended more time and energy on publicity than in previous years. Because we did, marketing became the lynchpin of our success. We began advertising these workshops well in advance of the fall quarter. In the spring edition of our web-based newsletter {Focus on Sciences and Engineering} there was an article giving the dates for the fall workshop. The article, {Searching
Science from the Office: A Sampler of Science Databases Workshops}, gave a brief outline of what would be covered and when. Our office assistant, Marilyn Cordray, contacted each science and engineering department and prepared a list of contacts, their format preference for announcements and deadlines for including our workshop announcements in their orientation packets or mail reflectors. We designed and created an eye-catching flyer [55K file] describing the workshops and posted it on every science and engineering department bulletin board. We included publicity in the Graduate School orientation packets that were sent to each new graduate student during the summer. We blanketed our intended audience with notices of the workshops.
Getting Ready
- Prepare sample searches
- Prepare/update database-specific guides
- Check classroom and equipment
Sample searches were formulated in advance but we were willing to accept
audience suggestions for their topics. It is also worthwhile to run the
sample searches on the computers which will be used at the workshop. The
development and reproduction of subject-specific database guides were the
responsibility of the appropriate subject librarian. The Handouts Task
Force assumed responsibility for supplying the generic guides to be
distributed. Several weeks in advance check the computers to determine if
the latest versions of all needed software have been installed and are
working properly. If not, you may need to enlist the aid of the library
technical support team for their assistance. On the morning of the
workshop sessions, be sure to check the classroom to be sure that all of
the computers are in operation.
The workshops were held in the larger of the
library's two computerized classrooms. It contains 24 networked Pentium
PCs with Windows NT and Adobe Acrobat for full-text image display. The
instructor's workstation is configured to project the computer searches
onto a large screen at the front of the room. A team of three
science/engineering librarians presented each workshop session. This team
teaching approach worked well. While one spoke, one keyboarded and the
other was available for individual computer assistance. The presentation
rotated among the librarians to provide variety of voice and teaching
A. Physical Sciences Workshop
Librarians: Andrea Duda, Chuck Huber, Rosemary Meszaros
Part 1
- Remote access to MELVYL and Pegasus
- Introduction to the MELVYL system
- Current Contents
- MELVYL update command
- IEEE/UC Project: articles with images
- Compendex on the web
Part 2
- MELVYL database passwords
- MELVYL web interface
- Forms and services on InfoSurf
- Electronic reserves
- Library instruction
- Electronic journals on InfoSurf
B. Life Sciences Workshop
Librarians: Lorna Lueck, Jim Markham, Janet Martorana
Part 1
- Introduction to the UC MELVYL system
- BIOSIS database on MELVYL
- Update Command on MELVYL: setting up a search to run automatically after
each time the database is updated, results are e-mailed
- PsycINFO on MELVYL, including description of database content and a
demonstration of e-mailing search results
- Medline on MELVYL
Part 2
- Exploring InfoSurf, the UCSB Library's web site: Library services
available via the web:
- Recommend a book or journal for library purchase
- Request an instruction session for students
- ERes, the web-based reserve system
- subject pages that link to research-level resources on the web
- Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management on the web
- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts on the web
- Request command on MELVYL: patron request for interlibrary loan from
another UC campus
Post Workshop Evaluation
After the Physical Sciences Workshops were presented, we realized that we had not included an evaluation form in our handout packets. This proves the aphorism about the mice and librarian planning going awry. We remedied that for the Life Sciences Workshops by preparing a brief evaluation form. From the responses to the questions on the form, the workshops were very successful, with respondents indicating they would definitely recommend the sessions to others. One question asked for an evaluation of the level of information presented. Several responses indicated that we had presumed a higher level of MELVYL expertise than some of the participants possessed. This was especially so with the graduate students who had never attended the University of California.
Taking a critical look at the workshops ourselves, the sciences
librarians agreed that we accomplished many of our goals: we
offered a graduate level workshop on library resources in the
sciences and engineering and an introduction to the library's
electronic services. The students confirmed to us that the
academic departments are listening: faculty had recommended the
workshops to them.
New Directions for Future Workshops
At our next planning meeting we will take into consideration:
- rearranging the contents of the sessions
- further dividing workshops by department
- covering fewer databases per session
- offering more hands-on exploration
- specifying the level of instruction planned and indicating
the level of familiarity pre-requisite to the sessions
- prior to the workshops possibly offering a basic, non-subject
specific session to familiarize the brand new UC students with our
various computer systems (MELVYL, the OPAC, etc.) and the
mechanics of basic searching
- designing a less generic evaluation form to elicit more
precise information
The participating librarians unanimously agreed that this specialized
multi-part workshop was a worthwhile use of our time. Next year, we will
again offer evening sessions within the first three weeks of fall quarter.
This may have accounted for the good turnout. Beginning graduate students
often find themselves with a crowded calendar of activities during their
first weeks. Removed from a frenzied schedule, an evening workshop can
provide a more relaxed atmosphere despite its formal classroom setting.