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Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship | Spring 1998 |
DOI:10.5062/F4MK69W6 |
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The first product licensed to NRLA was the "Web of Science" Science Citation Index Expanded, produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) (ISI Press Release 1997). Science Citation Index Expanded provides a web interface for searching over 5,000 major scientific and technical journals. Science Citation Index Expanded, covering the years 1985 to the present, is mounted at the Naval Research Laboratory, providing over 5,000 researchers at the four participating institutions with desktop access.
While InfoNet services met many of the needs of NRL researchers for information, in early 1996 the Library, with the guidance of a study team convened by the NRL Director, determined that CD-ROM networking had largely served its purpose (InfoVision/2000 Study Team 1996). In the Spring of 1996 the decision was therefore made to migrate InfoNet resources to the web-based InfoWeb Information System and Gateway ({http://infoweb.nrl.navy.mil}) as quickly as practicable, but certainly within two years.
The product that appeared to be most problematic in making the transition from InfoNet to InfoWeb within the desired time frame was Science Citation Index. As this was one of the InfoNet's most heavily used databases, the Library was eager to find a way to provide web access to this important research tool. At that time, the Institute for Scientific Information had not released its plans for a web offering. The alternative of licensing the information for local access and undertaking the custom development of an NRL web product appeared out-of-reach for a relatively small library, both in terms of its cost and the level of effort required for custom programming.
After successfully exploring the feasibility of contracting with LANL for NRL access to SciSearch at LANL, the Library contacted ISI to discuss data licensing arrangements and pricing. It was immediately clear that NRL acting on its own would be hard pressed to cover the significant costs associated with licensing the data required even when credits were applied for prior investments and rights granted under the CD-ROM license agreement.
Fortunately the NRL Library was not the only federal library with a keen interest in providing Science Citation Index to its user community. Three other federal science libraries had long-standing network licenses for the Science Citation Index CD-ROM product and were equally eager to move more fully into a web environment. The other three libraries served clientele at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library in Greenbelt, MD ({http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/home/index.html}); the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD (http://www.nist.gov/), and the National Science Foundation Library in Arlington, VA (http://www.nsf.gov/). The NIST Office of Information Services was actively developing its NIST Virtual Library program (https://www.nist.gov/nist-research-library); the NASA Goddard Library was offering a range of services through its Centerwide Virtual Library ({http://library.gsfc.nasa.gov/}) (Dixon 1997); and the NSF Library was providing its staff with databases over an Intranet.
While all prospective NRLA members endorsed the idea of forming a federal library consortium to obtain more advantageous pricing for a variety of information products (such as databases and electronic journals), without the shared enthusiasm for a particular product, NRLA probably would not have become a reality. NRL's interest in rapid deployment of web access to Science Citation Index served as an added incentive to keep the project on target and on track.
While a keen interest on the part of the libraries in adopting a consortium model and applying it to the procurement of a critical information resource was a prerequisite, other agency offices had roles to play. Without the combined efforts of various staff, particularly legal staff who reviewed iterative versions of the ISI Database Lease Agreement and the NRLA Memorandum of Understanding, a collective purchase could not have occurred.
The fact that all four institutions were federal agencies would seem on the surface to be a common denominator that would simplify the procurement process. However, in reality there were almost as many differences among the various agency approaches to contracting, licensing, purchasing, and interagency collaboration as there were similarities. One of the most basic differences was the fact that NRL as a Department of Defense agency operated under a different set of procurement guidelines than the other three agencies. For NRL, the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) governed the terms and conditions of any licenses that the agency accepted. For the other three agencies, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) was operative. While in most cases the FAR and DFARS are in sync, in at least one key area, e.g., rights to the use of technical data, there is a conflict that could become important were there ever to be a dispute with regard to use of the ISI database. Ultimately, this was resolved by all agencies agreeing to apply the more restrictive clause, which in this case was the DFARS.
In many consortium models, the consortium acts as an independent entity and enters into a contractual arrangement with a vendor. While this model could potentially be implemented in a federal government context, it was not immediately clear to the NRLA participants how such a centralized procurement could be effected in a timely manner and in a way that would overcome various concerns, including legislative and administrative requirements. ISI recognized the constraints under which NRLA members were operating and, instead of insisting on a single consortium payment, ISI worked with agencies to develop individual payment models that would comply with each member's procurement requirements. The pricing model that NRLA adopted was an even distribution of costs with each participant covering one quarter of the total cost.
There was the tacit assumption on the part of NRLA members that ISI had a unique and unparalleled interest in providing the best possible showcase for its own data. It was therefore believed that going with the ISI-supported product, with a regular cycle of software upgrades and product enhancements, would afford maximum protection for NRLA's investment. In addition, ISI demonstrated a corporate commitment and ability to provide technical support. Also important to the NRLA members was ISI's ability to support end-user outreach and training with professional instruction and materials.
Other issues that entered into the decision to license the Web of Science version of Science Citation Index Expanded were concerns over system performance and response time with a very large user base and a desire for greater local control to customize future enhancements to NRLA specifications.
Science Citation Index Expanded runs on a Sun Enterprise 4000 under the Sun Solaris operating system. The database, which requires just under 50 GB of online storage, is accommodated by a Sun Storage Array RAID level 5 system. Weekly updates to the database are downloaded from ISI's corporate server via Internet FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Network access to Science Citation Index Expanded is controlled by IP filtering, using Unix TCP-wrappers and IP address ranges. Since all members of the consortium subscribe to the same 13-year subset of the database, additional access controls are unnecessary. However, the ISI Web of Science software includes an administration tool that can restrict access to portions of the database using appropriate IP address ranges. This tool may be helpful to NRLA in the future should some members of the consortium opt to purchase additional years. For all members of the consortium, this access control arrangement has proved ideal; both administrative and technical overhead are low and access has been seamless for the vast majority of users. In addition, while no Internet security system is infallible, these access controls are sufficient to stop all of the casual, and even many sophisticated, unauthorized users.
Usage statistics for March 1998, the most recent full month for which data are available, show over 3,000 accesses to Science Citation Index Expanded by NRLA end users. Roughly one-third of the use is by NRL users, one-third by NIST users, and the remaining one-third is divided between the other two partners, with NASA responsible for two-thirds of that usage and NSF one-third. At NRL statistics show that the web version of Science Citation Index is accessed roughly three times more often than was the networked CD-ROM product previously available through InfoNet.
The MOU was drafted in July 1997, and subsequently passed through the required chain of command in each institution. As various organizations reviewed the MOU, each began to add its own unique requirements. New concepts were incorporated and the list of principles became longer and more complex, with specific references to Executive Orders and to the U.S. Code. Each major change needed to be reviewed by offices in other institutions that had already approved a prior version of the MOU, making many iterations necessary. At this time, the NRLA MOU is still under review.
At NRL, web access to Science Citation Index Expanded has successfully replaced the Science Citation Index CD-ROM previously available through the InfoNet. With the successful migration of the full range of scientific databases provided by InfoNet to InfoWeb, the NRL Library was able to meet its target date for discontinuing its character-based service.
Atkinson, Roderick D. & Stackpole, Laurie E. 1995. TORPEDO: Networked Access to Full-Text and Page-Image Representations of Physics Journals and Technical Reports. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 6(3). [Online]. Available: {http://epress.lib.uh.edu/pr/v6/n3/atki6n3.html} [April 21, 1998].
Dixon, Robin M. 1997. Goddard Library's Web Page. In: The Library Web (ed. By Julie M. Still), pp. 79-88. Information Today, Inc., Medford, NJ.
InfoVision Study Team. 1996. Report of Findings and Recommendations Submitted to the Director of Research, Naval Research Laboratory, September 1996. [Online] Available: {http://infoweb.nrl.navy.mil/NRL_publications/digital_library_94.html} [April 21, 1998].
ISI Press Release. 1997. "NRLA Consortia Purchases the Science Citation Index Expanded(TM)." Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 24, 1997. [Online] Available: {http://www.isinet.com/whatsnew/announce/pr971024.html} [April 21, 1998].
Oxley, Harriet. 1998. ISI Spins a Web of Science. Database 21(2), 37-40. [Online]. Available: {http://www.onlineinc.com/database/awards/award3.html} [April 21, 1998].
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