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Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship | Winter 1998 |
DOI:10.5062/F4KK98S8 |
URLs in this document have been updated. Links enclosed in {curly brackets} have been changed. If a replacement link was located, the new URL was added and the link is active; if a new site could not be identified, the broken link was removed. |
We recognized the power of this medium and decided to test its applicability to chemistry by hosting the First Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECCC-1) in November 1994. Full details on the conference can be found elsewhere (Bachrach 1995), and we will not discuss here some of the greater ramifications of this event with regards to electronic conferences. Rather, we just note here that a number of important communications tools were already utilized at this conference. The articles were delivered as hypertext documents written by each author with no translation or creation services offered by the conference organizers. Realize that at this time there were no full-blown HTML editors available, though some translation converters were already in place. Nevertheless, over 60 articles were submitted. Most contained color images; some contained animation files as attached files. A number of them had hyperlinks attached to regions of an image. Perhaps most significantly, six or so articles contained hypermolecules.
Rzepa, Whitaker, and Winter had earlier in 1994 defined the chemical MIME types which defined the appropriate identifiers for files that contain chemical information. (Rzepa 1994) These include specifications to indicate that the files contained 3-dimensional structures of molecules. Using the chemical MIME type, when these files were selected by a conference participant, instead of receiving just a static image of the molecule, the 3-dimensional structure was delivered and sent as input into the user-selected molecular viewing program. The participant could then manipulate the molecule (therefore called a "hypermolecule"), rotate it, zoom in on a particular region, change the color of the atoms, etc. This was the first large-scale example of interactive manipulation of chemical data within scientific discourse, and provides a key reason for our interest in electronic journals.
ECCC-1 and subsequent electronic chemistry conferences {(Rzepa 1995)} had convincingly shown that chemists could author articles in hypertext, include figures, and embed a variety of chemical data. The web clearly provided a medium for scientific discourse and we awaited the announcement and appearance of chemistry journals which would incorporate this technology. What follows is a historical account of how we decided to launch an independent new chemistry journal, called the Internet Journal of Chemistry.
Also released during this period were two significant new technologies which had direct impact on publication. With the release of Navigator 2, Netscape defined the protocol for creating plug-in modules. Plug-in modules are extensions to the browser that provide the browser with additional functionality, usually the ability to image new types of information within the browser window. For example, one might write a plug-in that will play audio, so a sound file can be directly embedded within a web page. This technology now allows users to add features that will customize their web presentations to handle specialized data, especially as interactive applications.
The {Chime} plug-in by MDL was an important release for chemists. Chime is a molecular visualization tool built around the {RasMol program} developed by Sayles. RasMol is a standalone application to render 3-dimensional molecules and allow the user to manipulate the structure. With the Chime plug-in, this ability is now placed seamlessly within the browser window. A single web page can therefore contain text, static color graphics, and an active molecule which can be manipulated by the user.
The display above is an example of Chime. The molecule can be rotated, scaled, and the display characteristics altered. If you do not see a molecule here, then you do not have the Chime plug-in loaded on your computer. Proceed to the {MDL Chime} site to download and install this free utility. We have written a {tutorial on using Chime and creating web pages with Chime objects}. |
The other important development was Java, a computer programming language that is cross-platform compliant. In principle, Java allows for a single program to run on any computer. Netscape incorporated the Java virtual machine within its browser. Therefore, a web author can embed a Java program, called an applet, within a web page. This applet can display information (such as run a movie), or allow the user to manipulate information (such as playing a game). The applet appears within the web page providing, in a sense, a further extension of the browser capability.
Early Java applets in chemistry included simple programs to draw chemical structures which then can be submitted as search queries into a chemical database and to draw and manipulate spectra. (A nice example of this technique is available from the NIST WebBook. This link will take you directly to the {IR spectrum of benzene}.) The {ChemSymphony suite}, developed in late 1996, provides Java code to render and manipulate 3-dimension structures, much as Chime does, but with greater flexibility in representations.
While web technology was improving, the chemistry publishers generally sat on the sidelines. A handful of electronic journals were launched by the established publishing houses. Publication of the e-journal of this time involved at least one of the following steps which continued to tie them to paper: articles could (or had to be) submitted on paper, reviewers were sent hard copy, reviews were returned by regular post, the journal was simultaneously printed on paper and electronically, or a year-end compendium of all published articles appeared on paper.
A number of major publishers either committed to or began to release electronic versions of their published journals. These versions were (and still remain) electronic delivery of print. They did not contain any added features to the publication that e-publishing affords, such as color images or animations. Many journals provided just PDF versions of their journals, which truly maintains the print ideal. The main feature that these publishers were stressing was the improved speed of publishing, that articles could be obtained weeks if not months before the print versions were available.
By Spring 1996, we recognized what a great opportunity lay before us to truly advance chemical publication using the Internet and web technology. The established publication houses seemed unable to move to take advantage of this opportunity. We therefore gathered a group of chemists with electronic publishing experience to develop a new, fully electronic journal and act as the editorial board.
The next decision was to define the scope of the journal. The editorial board discussed this issue intensely. The discussions quickly boiled down to one of two options. The first was to create a specialized journal, one that focused on a particular sub-discipline of chemistry. The obvious first choice was Internet chemistry, but we discarded this option since the potential audience is too small to really make an impact and sustain a journal. Other possibilities included computational chemistry and organic chemistry. Computational chemistry already had a couple of electronic journals, one of which, the {Journal of Molecular Modeling}, while getting off to a slow start, was beginning to develop a firm subscription base and beginning to encourage the use of Internet publication features.
The second option was to launch a journal of chemistry, one that covers the entire discipline. This approach has two advantages. We would have the largest potential chemistry audience and no other e-journal was attempting to reach such a broad spectrum of chemists. The disadvantage of this approach is a potential difficulty in growing a base of subscribers and authors. A broad range approach may diffuse the audience too much and discourage a critical mass of users.
We finally decided to launch a broad range journal. We fully believed that all areas of chemistry can be better communicated through electronic media than on paper. This approach provides the best opportunity to grow a subscription base and have a large impact on the field of chemistry.
The concept of the Internet Journal of Chemistry (IJC) was thus born.
The journal is firmly committed to the electronic medium. Towards that end we will encourage authors to take advantage of the publication opportunities afforded by the Internet. Some examples of this "enhanced chemical publication" {(Bachrach et al. 1996)} are:
We also believe that electronic publishing can reduce the costs of making materials available to the chemistry community. The real point of scientific publication is to share scientific insight with as wide an audience as possible. The recent economic trends in conventional publication have reduced subscriptions and thereby limited the readership. We are firmly committed to provide the journal at very reasonable rates. This now leads us to discuss some of the financial aspects of the journal.
The journal is part of a for-profit operation. Therefore, at some point the journal will charge a subscription fee. For all of 1998, IJC will be available to all at no cost. Subscription fees have not yet been set, but our aim is to keep fees reasonable to reach as wide an audience as possible. Subscribing to the journal will grant access to the current year's articles plus all previous publications. In a sense, the journal is really a database, and subscription provides access to the full database for the time-period licensed.
The other side is the reader! We recognized that the web can provide a mechanism for empowering the reader as well. Some primitive aspects of this have always been present within the web browsers - users can select the font and point size, set the screen width, define how emphasized text should appear. Realize that this is a significant advance over the printed page, where the publisher determines these factors and the reader cannot change them.
This concept, however, goes much further than just layout. A concrete example should suffice to explain reader empowerment. All measurements have units attached to them, such as "feet" for a measurement of length and "gram" for mass. Chemists use a variety of different units, and standardization comes slowly. The standard unit for energy is joules. However, many practitioners, particularly in the US, consider calories to be the more convenient unit. Which unit should be used within the journal? For the print journal, this decision must be made and remains fixed. A reader has to abide with the choice even if another unit would be more suitable to that individual.
The web may give an impression to users that the pages they view are static and predefined. This is in fact often not true. Rather, web servers often provide dynamic web pages, created upon the request of the user. An example is the many web sites that provide current stock prices, which clearly are in flux.
How does this dynamic aspect apply to the chemistry journal? Continuing with our units example, a reader can select the option to have all energy numbers provided in units of joules. The server then converts the units appropriately wherever encountered and delivers the selected units embedded right in the document.
The beauty of this system is that the author writes the article using whatever units she desires, and each reader selects the units to be delivered. The web server provides the conduit for passing the materials in the appropriate fashion.
Other examples in chemistry include how 3-dimensional structures and spectra should be passed to the user, how references should be formatted, and which navigational tools should be made available. Readers can thereby customize the journals to fit their own needs.
Putting this concept into place required creating a customized web server and parser. The parser converts the authors' manuscript, written in HTML, into a metafile that contains new tags that indicate the presence of data that must be manipulated by the server itself. The server then reads these metafiles and, taking into account the users specification, converts them into standard HTML, which it delivers to the user's browser. The metafile is analogous with the Chemical Markup Language (CML) proposal of Murray-Rust. (Murray-Rust 1997) It differs in that the web server interprets the CML tags while in true CML, the browser would handle the interpretation. The server was implemented and tested in the Fourth Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECCC-4) recently held on the Internet. Further details of this customized web server and delivery procedure will be presented in another article.
On thing that should be made clear is that the IJC web server provides the appropriate files and tools as requested by the user in the format also requested by the user. Therefore, a user is not restricted from access to any of the information within the journal just because they lack a particular plug-in or are using an older version of a browser.
Acknowledgment is made to the editorial board of IJC for their tremendous help and encouragement with this project: Henry Rzepa, Stephen Heller, Thomas Pierce, Toni Kazic, Peter Murray-Rust and Jan Labanowski. The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Informatics Award provided support for the development of the journal concept. IJC is supported by InfoTrust, Ltd. and we thank Dr. Roger Bilboul for his involvement.
Bachrach, S. M. 1996. The Internet: A Guide for Chemists. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
Bachrach, S. M. et. al. 1996. Publishing Chemistry on the Internet. Network Science, 2(3) URL: {http://www.netsci.org/Science/Special/feature07.html}
Murray-Rust, P. et. al. 1997. The World Wide Web as a Chemical Information Tool. Chemical Society Reviews, 26(1): 1-10.
Rzepa, H. S. et. al. 1994. Chemical Applications of the World-Wide Web. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1907.
Rzepa, H. S. 1995. Electronic Chemistry Conferences. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 14: 240 URL: {http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/homepage/saa/trac/rzepa.htm}
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