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Instructions for Authors of Articles

See also instructions for:

  1. Length: Because we are a web-based journal, length is very flexible. In general, articles of about 2,000 words seem to work well; however, if you need more space to describe your ideas, feel free to write a longer article.

  2. Format: Please see the guidelines below for the format for citations and bibliographies.

  3. HTML: Please do not mark up your paper in HTML. You can send it either as ASCII text or as an attached e-mail file. We will mark it up and format it in a standard style.

  4. Images: If your paper includes images, including screen shots, please send them as separate GIF, JPEG, on PNG files. Do not simply include them as part of a Word document. Images should be sized no larger than 700 pixels wide. If you did not create the graphic or illustration yourself, include written copyright permission for reproduction of the illustrations from the copyright holder.

Layout of Article:

Author(s) including title(s), institution(s), and e-mail address(es)
Body of Paper


ISTL uses the CSE format. See this guide from the University of Wisconsin for examples.

References should be cited in the text in the following form:

Smith (2002)
Smith (2002a,b)
Smith (2002, 2005)
Smith and Jones (2005)
(Smith & Jones 2008)
(Smith 2009)
(Smith 2005; Jones 2008)
(Smith et al. 2010) for more than two authors

At the end of the paper references should be listed alphabetically in the section entitled References in the following standard form, giving journal titles in full. Please italicize titles of books and journals. Include DOIs whenever possible.

McCormac, J.S. and Kennedy, G. 2004. Birds of Ohio. Auburn (WA): Lone Pine. p. 77-78.

Book Chapter:
McDaniel, T.K. and Valdivia, R.H. 2005. New tools for virulence gene discovery. In: Cossart, P. et al., editors. Cellular microbiology. 2nd ed. Washington (DC): ASM Press. p. 473-488.

Markham, J.W. & Hagmeier, E. 1982. Observations on the effects of germanium dioxide on the growth of macro-algae and diatoms. Phycologia 21(2):125-131.

Online Articles:
Leng F., Amado L. & McMacken R. 2004. Coupling DNA supercoiling to transcription in defined protein systems. Journal of Biological Chemistry [Internet]. [Cited 2015 Jul 24];279(46):47564-47571. Available from:

Online Articles with a DOI
Gunapala, Nirmala. 2014. Meeting the needs of the "invisible university:" identifying information needs of postdoctoral scholars in the sciences. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. 77. DOI: 10.5062/F4B8563P.

Web Pages (no author listed):
ASAP: systematic annotation package for community analysis of genomes [Internet]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin-Madison; c2013 [cited 2013 Sep 12]. Available from

Submit articles in electronic form to:

Andrea L. Duda
Davidson Library
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010

Updated: March 6, 2018

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