URLs in this document have been updated. Links enclosed in {curly brackets} have been changed. If a replacement link was located, the new URL was added and the link is active; if a new site could not be identified, the broken link was removed.

Electronic Journal Publishers

Small and Medium Publishers
(1-200 journals)

Jump directly to publisher: ACS Publications · AIP Online Journal Publishing Service · American Mathematical Society · Annual Reviews · ACM Digital Library · Cambridge Journals Online · IEEE Xplore · Institute of Physics Publishing · MCB Emerald Library · Nature · NRC Research Press · Oxford University Press · Portland Press · Royal Society · Royal Society of Chemistry · Turpion, Ltd. · University of Chicago Press
ACS Publications
Parent company American Chemical Society
Number of e-journals ~30
Full-text format(s) PDF and HTML
Chronological coverage 1996-present
Advance papers? All journals
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- title words, authors, starting page, year, journal(s). Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as for all journals for non-subscribers. Subscribers can search same plus full text.
Table of contents notification? Yes -- Sends word of advance articles as they arrive.
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? Yes
Other info Web site includes supporting information; has announced plans for total retrospective conversion.
AIP Online Journal Publishing Service
Parent company American Institute of Physics
Number of e-journals ~66
Full-text format(s) PDF and Gzipped PostScript
Chronological coverage Most 1995-present
Advance papers? Some full text, some abstracts only.
Whole file search? (fields searched) No
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- title, abstract, subject, author, affiliation, date. Subscribers only.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? User can maintain an online collection of selected articles (must be accessed at least once every 90 days.)
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? Yes
Other info Includes American Association of Physics Teachers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Vacuum Society, Biomedical Engineering Society, Optical Society of America, Russian Academy of Science, SPIE. Links to American Physical Society Physical Review series available separately back to 1985, with plans for total retrospective conversion.
American Mathematical Society Journals
Parent company American Mathematical Society
Number of e-journals 8
Full-text format(s) PDF, DVI, TeX, PostScript
Chronological coverage Most 1992-present. See also JSTOR.
Advance papers? Yes
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- author, title, keywords, classification, abstract, references, full text. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- same as former.
Table of contents notification? Yes -- By journal or Mathematical Subject Classification or both.
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Includes two electronic-only journals. Some journals archived at JSTOR.
Annual Reviews
Parent company Same as former
Number of e-journals 31
Full-text format(s) PDF and HTML
Chronological coverage Generally 1996-present.
Advance papers? No, but forthcoming articles are listed.
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Author, title, abstract, full text, year. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? Individual subscribers can receive notices of articles which cite an Annual Reviews article.
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Published through Highwire Press.
ACM Digital Library
Parent company Association for Computing Machinery
Number of e-journals ~24 (plus conference proceedings)
Full-text format(s) PDF, plus some HTML, PostScript, LaTex
Chronological coverage Varies; some as early as 1985-present.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- author, title, full text, date range. Open to non-subscribers with registration.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? Individual subscribers only.
Other personalized services? Individual subscribers have "My Bookshelf", including saved searches and update searches, and personal binders.
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info
Cambridge Journals Online
Parent company Cambridge University Press
Number of e-journals ~120
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage Generally 1998-present.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Title, keywords, abstract, authors, affiliation, full text. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? Yes -- Requires registration.
Other personalized services? Yes -- Registered users can have update searches.
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info
IEEE Xplore
Parent company Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Number of e-journals ~180 (plus conference proceedings and standards)
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage Generally 1988-present.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Title, abstract, subject, authors, conference title, date range. Subscribers only.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Also includes IEE journals and proceedings. Non-subscribers may browse tables of contents.
Institute of Physics Publishing
Parent company Institute of Physics
Number of e-journals ~33
Full-text format(s) PDF, PostScript, some HTML
Chronological coverage Generally 1993-present.
Advance papers? Some
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Title, abstract, authors, affiliation, date range. Non-subscribers can search keywords in bibliographic information and abstracts.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? Yes -- Requires registration for Enhanced Service.
Other personalized services? Yes -- Saved searches, personal "filing cabinet" - online record of selected articles which may be annotated.
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info References to other IOP articles crosslinked, links to INSPEC records. Institutional users can register for remote access.
MCB Emerald Library
Parent company MCB University Press
Number of e-journals Over 130 journals, mostly management, but with 14 library and information science titles, and 16 engineering titles
Full-text format(s) PDF, HTML
Chronological coverage 1994-present
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Full text, keyword, article title, journal title, author, limit by document type, range of years. Only journals to which full-text access is available may be searched.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? Yes -- No subscription required.
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Article references are linked, but most links are dead-ends.
Parent company Macmillan Publisher, Ltd.
Number of e-journals 8
Full-text format(s) PDF, HTML
Chronological coverage Generally June, 1997-present.
Advance papers? Some
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Title, abstract, authors, affiliation, volume, page, date range. Subscribers only.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? Yes. Requires registration.
Other info Requires password, simultaneous access limited.
NRC Research Press Electronic Journals
Parent company National Research Council of Canada
Number of e-journals 14
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage 1997 or 1998-present.
Advance papers? Some ("issues filling")
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes? -- Full text searching is supposed to be available, but "technical difficulties" rendered it unavailable.
Journal search (fields searched) Unknown -- See former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? Yes
Other info
Oxford University Press Journals
Parent company Oxford University Press
Number of e-journals ~100 in full text
Full-text format(s) PDF, some HTML
Chronological coverage Varies, generally 1997-present.
Advance papers? Some
Whole file search? (fields searched) No
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Bibliographic info, minimal search. Open to non-subscribers.
Table of contents notification? Yes
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Many OUP journals are moving to a Highwire Press site. See Highwire Press for search capabilities.
Portland Press Journals
{ www.portlandpress.com/pp/default.htm}
Parent company Portland Press
Number of e-journals 16
Full-text format(s) PDF, HTML
Chronological coverage Varies, generally 1996-present.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) No
Journal search (fields searched) Author, title, keywords, full text, volume, starting page, date range, publication type.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? Yes
Other info
The Royal Society
Parent company The Royal Society
Number of e-journals 5
Full-text format(s) PDF, RealPage
Chronological coverage 1998-present.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Article title, abstract, journal title, ISSN, author, or full text. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Royal Society uses Catchword as a host. Archival issues available via JSTOR.
Royal Society of Chemistry
{ http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals?key=title&value=current}
Parent company Royal Society of Chemistry
Number of e-journals 23
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage Generally 1997-present.
Advance papers? Most
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Title, abstract, author, address, full text, year, issue. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Contains supplementary info for some journals; includes two Russian journals.
Turpion, Ltd.
Parent company Turpion is a joint venture of the Royal Society of Chemistry (see above) and Pion, Ltd (www.pion.co.uk)
Number of e-journals 9
Full-text format(s) PDF
Chronological coverage Generally 1997-present.
Advance papers? No
Whole file search? (fields searched) Yes -- Title, abstract, author, year. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Same as former.
Table of contents notification? Yes
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Two Russian chemistry journals also available from RSC.
University of Chicago Press Journals Division
Parent company University of Chicago Press
Number of e-journals 15
Full-text format(s) HTML, PDF, PostScript (earlier volumes may not have all formats)
Chronological coverage Varies
Advance papers? Some
Whole file search? (fields searched) Some but not all are searchable together. Title, abstract, author, keywords, full text, references. Open to non-subscribers.
Journal search (fields searched) Yes -- Title, abstract, author, address, full text, year, issue.
Table of contents notification? No
Other personalized services? No
Individual electronic article purchase for non-subscribers? No
Other info Astronomy journals can be searched as a group.